Monday, October 29, 2012

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

Fall at home
     Life has been busy since I returned from Kenya. There have been lots of very good things, like the weddings of good friends, but also some less than fun things, like job hunting and finishing applications for PA schools. At the end of September I started taking an online Genetics course as a requirement for some of the PA programs I applied to, as well as an accelerated EMT course so I can gain more medical experience and, hopefully, a job. Add redecorating a bedroom, birthdays, and volunteering at the local hospital, and my life has been pretty full these last couple of months. This week is particularly busy since I have two finals (practical and written) for my EMT course, as well as a quiz and mid-term for Genetics. Whew. 
     Despite everything that is going on, I have to say that the most tiring thing might be all the waiting. I'm waiting to find out if I can shadow any PAs in the area. I'm waiting to hear if I got the job I recently interviewed for. I'm waiting for my birthday (ok, that's a fun one). Most importantly though, I'm waiting to hear back from PA schools. I applied to 8 this cycle and I've already received 3 rejections. However, it's been almost two months since my last rejection letter, so I'm hoping that means that the other schools are actually considering me. My top school is still in the running, so I'm hopeful. I know though that many PAs do not get accepted the first time they apply, and when there are 1500 applicants for 40 spots, it's easy to understand why. So here I am...waiting. Some days it's tough, but until I know anything for sure, I'm just going to keep preparing myself for every possibility, as well as enjoy the time I have at home with friends and family. After all, it's fall and that's simply one of the best times of the year.

1 comment:

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