Sunday, January 27, 2013

Brrr... It's Cold Outside

This was my life just 1 1/2 weeks ago.
My life this week.

     The time has finally arrived for my final interview. These last few weeks have been fun, but I have to admit that it will be nice to be at home for more than three days at a time again. It'll also be nice to have to deal with just one temperature range again. I've gone from 12F in Idaho to 75F in California, and now I'm facing 22F plus windchill in Massachusetts. I'd forgotten just how quickly wind can turn your face into ice. At least all the places I've visited have been quite sunny. I don't often get to see the sun in the winter in Oregon, so it's nice to see a bit more of it, even if it's a bit too cold to stay outside long. 

     Despite all the crazy weather and the stress of interviewing, I've been pretty good about making these trips for interviews into mini-vacations. After my interview in Idaho I was able to stay in an old, historic hotel with my mom, and when I went down to California I not only got to stay with my wonderful aunt and uncle, but I also got to go to Disneyland. Considering how nerve-wracking interviews can be, I think an afternoon of fun was the perfect way to de-stress. My last interview is in Massachusetts, and there is no Disneyland there. However, I might have something even better. I did my undergraduate studies in Massachusetts, so many of my friends are still in New England, and coming back here for an interview means it's reunion time. I've been here since last Wednesday night and it's been just wonderful. Sure there's no roller coasters or people dressed as cartoon characters, but I think ice-skating, cannolis, trips to the beach (wind and all), chats over coffee, and good times just hanging out with good people may trump the happiest place on earth. No matter how my interview on Thursday goes, this trip was definitely worth it. 

All bundled up and ready for ice-skating.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hello Sunshine!

     Tomorrow I leave for my second interview. This one is down in California, and it looks like the recent "cold snap" (the people in LA just kill me with their inability to cope with temperatures below 50F has come to an end. I think I'm actually going to have to bring shorts for after my interview. Such craziness. Of course, when you consider the perpetual fog and rain that are so characteristic of winters in western Oregon, I think a bit of sun and warmth will be quite nice. 
 So I'll be going from this:

To this:

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm So Legit

     Today I arrived home from my first PA school interview to find this lovely letter and patch (as well as a very nice certificate) waiting for me. It was an excellent surprise, especially after some long days of driving. If I so desire, I can now apply for a job as an EMT in Oregon. At the very least I actually feel legitimate now. My fellow baristas at the coffee shop where I work have also greatly enjoyed this news. They claim that they feel much safer now, though I'm not sure there's a great amount of danger in a coffee shop, aside from hot water burns and slipping on wet floors. The last, and only, time I was asked to consult on a medical issue at work was when someone got glass in their eye while changing a light bulb. Hardly a medical emergency, but still, I think it's fun. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Interview Time has Arrived!

     This week I have my first interview for a Physician Assistant program. I'm at once excited to have finally arrived at this stage, as well as worried about what will happen once the interviews begin. Last week I was fortunate enough to have a mock interview with a friend who was once a member of the admissions board at a nearby PA program. Even though I knew it wasn't "for real," I was still rather nervous, especially since my friend made it as realistic as possible, complete with a timed essay and panel interview. Like the EMT practical exam, my "panel" used their poker faces, and I've realized that the lack of feedback is probably the most nerve-wracking part for me. I felt like I was trying to be honest and present myself as best I could, but I really wasn't sure how it was going. Apparently I did alright. Despite my nerves, I'm very glad I did the practice interview. At the very least I can approach these upcoming interviews with a better expectation of what questions will be asked, and I've already thought through many of them and have answered them within a similar context to what I'll soon be facing. While I'm still nervous about what Friday may hold, I certainly feel a bit better prepared. So, Thursday it's off to Idaho and my first interview. Wish me luck! :)