Saturday, November 30, 2013

Oh Give Thanks

Quite chilly waiting for the sunrise on Monday.
This is frozen seawater.

     Ah November… I recently heard someone describe November as the Thursday of the year, and since I’m assuming they meant that as an insult, I have to disagree. I love November. I'll be sad when it's over tomorrow. Granted, I may be a bit biased since my birthday is at the beginning of this month, but even without that bias I think I’d still love November. It’s the month of true fall, or at least that’s how it seemed this year. In September and October, the leaves change color and are absolutely stunning, but the weather’s still fairly warm, the colors are vibrant, and the sun shines. November is the time when the world slows down and prepares for winter. It’s the time when you can finally bust out those hats, scarves, and mittens, and layers become a necessity as the weather turns cold. Snuggling up in a fluffy blanket with a cup of hot cocoa or cider becomes completely acceptable. The colors may not be bright and eye-grabbing, but the muted hues have a loveliness of their own. At home, and sometimes here as well, the fog rolls in, bringing a mysterious beauty to the mornings and evenings. Sure, November also brings an increase in the rain and gray, but I don’t mind that. I like the rainy days (though it is nicer to know ahead of time and not be surprised after you've already walked to work). For Americans, November also is the month when, at least for one day, we are encouraged to spend time with those we love and give thanks. Even though Thanksgiving was two days ago, feel like it's always appropriate to give thanks, so here are just a few things for which I'm grateful.

  • Family and friends: I feel like this one's a given, but this year I have truly been blessed by loved ones both far and near. It was so nice to be at home last year and reconnect with everyone back there, and it has been just as nice to come back to the East Coast and spend time with friends over here. I not only get to live with two friends, but I also have family to visit and spend Thanksgiving with, which is pretty wonderful. Plus, this year I get to add to my family not once, but twice! First my sister married a charming fellow named Seth and I finally got a brother. Now my cousin is pregnant and due to have her second child is due in just a few days. If he's anywhere as adorable as his older brother we're all in danger of a cute overload. 
  • Nature: Yet another area where I've been incredibly blessed. Both Oregon and Massachusetts are such lovely places. At home I lived in the country and was surrounded by nature from the moment I woke up. Here I am still surrounded, even in the city. You just have to know where to look. Also, it doesn't take long to drive beyond the reaches of the suburbs and find granite hills or colorful forests or ocean shores. I'm incredibly grateful to one of the girls from my program who told me about a new route to use to drive to the T. It's debatable whether or not it's faster, but instead of spending each morning being stressed out as I go through the shady part of Lynn and face stop lights, heavy traffic, and crazy jaywalkers, I now get to drive along the ocean and watch the lovely scenery go by. It's done wonders for improving my commuting experience. 
    Not many cities light off fireworks for Halloween. 
  • Salem: I'm really enjoying life in this city. It's a bit quirky, and the tourists can get insane, especially around Halloween, but I like it. I think I still see myself settling down in the country one day, but for now I'm enjoying the city experience. My apartment mate just found the list of all the holiday events happening this month and I am pretty excited. 
    There's a good reason why my first three purchases
    for the apartment, and two of my DIY projects,
    had something to do with coffee: it's wonderful. 
  • A job: I'm sure going through PA school without a job would be a bit easier time-wise (and I probably will have to cut back on hours or eventually quit as the program goes on), but I truly have enjoyed working and having a job. Part of it is the free coffee (yet another thing I'm very grateful for), but really it's the coworkers and the customers who make it worthwhile. I've been incredibly blessed to have great coworkers both in Oregon and in Massachusetts, and they make work very enjoyable for me. I miss my old coworkers, but I'll get to see some of them soon, and my new coworkers have made me feel very welcome. In fact, on my first day here I was told that my manager had an important question for me, and I was a bit nervous until she asked if I liked Harry Potter. She and my shift that day were quite pleased to hear that I do, and my shift welcomed me to the "nerd sanctuary," explaining that most of my new coworkers were big nerds who would love that I know and occasionally share rather random facts. The excitement when they learned that I have a Hobbit house in my backyard at home lasted for days. It's not just the other baristas who are awesome either. My managers at both stores have been wonderful and supportive of pursuit of PA school. Whether asking for time off for interviews or explaining that my availability may change suddenly due to classes or exams, they've both been considerate and willing to work with me to come up with the best solution. 
  • PA school: Yes, it's tough. Yes, it can be frustrating. Yes, it's caused some tears. Despite all that though, it's worth it. I truly do enjoy it and the things I'm learning, and no matter what happens with pharmacology in just over a week, I know it's where I'm supposed to be. 
This list could be much longer, but it's my bedtime and tomorrow will be full of genetics studying so it's time to sign off. I hope everyone is having a lovely day and enjoying the little blessings we've all been given.

Just a lovely morning in northern Vermont. The sun is rising over the White Mountains in New Hampshire.

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